Ver Versão Completa : Endless sword outfit

30-08-22, 22:49
In the middle of the road, faults began to appear one by one. The normal ground under our feet may collapse at any time. This will test people's sense of crisis. We should keep in the peak state at any time. Once we find something wrong, we will jump away immediately. However, it also consumes people's mental and physical strength. The old man's voice, once again, was filled with a kind of warmth and power that made people believe. He said, "Come up. You have passed the test. I will still pass you the sword array. You don't need to go to the hole of the crypt. Come up and say you give up. You will get out of this endless predicament and return to the ground automatically without suffering.". Say give up, come up, I pass your sword array! Ye Bai is unreasonable. With a hard bone and a stubborn back, he gritted his teeth and insisted on walking further ahead. This is cheating. After walking for a while, the fault disappeared, but on the fire walls on all sides, countless tiny salamanders began to emerge, pouncing on Ye Bai, from thin to thick, from less to more, and finally almost densely packed. If one was not careful and was attacked by these salamanders, with Ye Bai's present physical strength, he was afraid that he would immediately fall into the endless magma fire river below, and there would be no bones left. He tried to dodge and dodge, relying on the experience brought by years of jungle life, and finally got through the most difficult time. The old man's voice never came again. After walking for a while, the salamander and the fault appeared together. Ye Bai's will was already blurred. His whole body was already dizzy. There was still a little strength left. The sweat was all gone, and his physical strength was exhausted. The only thing that kept him going was instinct. Relying on his instinct, he moved forward step by step and insisted on not giving up. Behind him, the flames of the center of the earth rose, more than half a man's height, and made him stagger, and he survived. Behind them, salamanders danced,Ceramic ferrule for stud welding (https://www.global-ceramics.com/welding-ceramics/ceramic-ferrule-for-stud-welding.html), forming fire dragons, flying over the aisle. He did not fear, did not avoid, but also walked past. My heart is as firm as a rock, everything does not move, can not move, so, step by step, he only knows how to move forward, gradually, there is light in front of him,ceramic bobbin heater (https://www.global-ceramics.com/cordierite-ceramic/ceramic-bobbin-heater.html), a purple hole appears in front of him, but he can not see it at all, he still just walked straight past, continue to move forward, even here is the exit of the fire cave. He had no strength all over his body, and he didn't even have the function of thinking. As soon as he came out of the cave, the cold wind blew, and his body, which had persisted for so long, suddenly tilted and was about to fall to the ground. At that moment, an old and warm body hugged his body, which was about to fall. In the dream, he experienced endless illusions, but he did not give up, time also did not know how long, only know, suddenly, dry body, drop a drop of cold liquid, and then, steatite c221 (https://www.global-ceramics.com/steatite-ceramic/steatite-c221.html) ,10g Ozone Generator (https://www.global-ceramics.com/ozone-generator/10g-ozone-generator.html), he was surrounded by the whole cold liquid, suddenly, just like a thirsty traveler for many years, absorbing nutrients, quickly absorbing those liquids, in the dream. The function of his body gradually recovered, originally a dead body, began to gradually have a life. Then, after a long time, he opened his eyes, and then he saw the purple space and the ethereal old man. The old man smiled at him and said, "Congratulations, son, you have passed the first test of willpower through the fire cave." Then, all the memories, as if the tide came to him, drowned him, suddenly, all the things he had experienced in the past few days, all appeared in his mind, he recalled everything. He also smiled at the old man. It was a happy smile. The old man said to him, "If you want to practice the sword array, you have to go through the hardships that ordinary people can't touch, the disaster of being lost, and the danger of bursting. Therefore, the will of the person who asks to practice the sword is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. My child, you have not let me down.". ” On that road, I set you up with deceptions, temptations, traps, and suffering. You have broken through one by one, I let you come up, that is temptation, I said to interrupt your test, directly pass your sword array, that is deception, the surface of the surface is a trap, the roasting of high temperature is suffering, people with weak willpower, in that environment, can not stay for a moment, hear me say that as long as you give up, you will automatically return to the ground, 90% of them will not hold on. Ten percent of the people who insist, when I say that they have passed the examination, will get rid of 90% of this one percent, and 90% of the remaining ten percent will fall on the remaining road. Only the last one thousandth of the people can walk out of this flame and thorns road completely and return to the ground. You are the third person who can walk out of this road for thousands of years, including me! "I'm surprised at you. Your willpower is even stronger than I imagined." At this point, he smiled at Ye Bai and made no secret of his admiration. But Suddenly, the old man's expression became serious again. He looked at Ye Bai's face and said solemnly, "This is just the beginning. The trial in the Fire Cave is just the first step in the practice of willpower. Next, to reach the tenth level of willpower, you will have to endure more and heavier hardships. Those who get through the first level often can't get through the remaining nine levels. It's not too late for you to regret it now!" Ye Bai looked at the old man with firm eyes and an indomitable stubbornness: "I might not have had much interest in this sword array before, but this line of fire caves has made me understand a lot. Master, I can tell you now that even if I die.." "I'll never regret it, either," he said, word for word. Full text update, TXT download, all in the novel Knight http://www.xs74.com/. The twenty-sixth chapter is the two tips of looking at Qi and appreciating things. Full text update, TXT download, all in the novel Knight http://www.xs74.com/ Chapter 26 look at the spirit, two tips. "Good!" When the old man heard this, he clapped his hands in admiration, and his eyes were full of appreciation. Unyielding in the face of great difficulties,3500mg Ozone ceramic Plate (https://www.global-ceramics.com/ozone-generator/3500mg-ozone-ceramic-plate.html), indomitable, heart as strong as gold, is a material to do great things! 。 global-ceramics.com (https://www.global-ceramics.com/steatite-ceramic/steatite-c221.html)